5040 - News Media Relations ## News Media Relations

The news media can be an important means of communicating information about the school to the community. The superintendent of Avery County Schools is responsible for establishing an effective working relationship with the news media. The news media should be notified whenever necessary to relay information to the public, such as when there are emergency school closings. The superintendent also is expected to identify opportunities to educate the news media regarding the goals of the Avery County Board of Education and schools, especially as they relate to student success and the educational program. The superintendent also should inform the news media of the results of the schools’ efforts to increase student success.

The superintendent may designate a spokesperson to provide information to the news media. The school district will respond to the media’s requests for information in compliance with the board policy on public records, policy 5070.

The board policy on visitors to schools, policy 5020, applies to news media. News media are expected to cooperate with the schools in their efforts to provide a safe, orderly and inviting learning environment in which disruptions to instructional time are minimized. The principal or superintendent may require news media to leave or prevent news media from entering school grounds if the news media’s presence interferes with these efforts.

Legal Reference: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. 1232g; G.S. 115C-47, -109.3, -319 to –321, -402; 132-1 to –9; Public Database Indexing Guidelines and Recommendations, N.C. Division of Archives and History; N.C. Attorney General Advisory Opinion, letter to Elizabeth Buford, February 26, 1996.

Cross Reference: Board Meeting News Coverage (policy 2325), Visitors to the Schools (policy 5020), Emergency Closings (policy 5050), Public Records (policy 5070)

Adopted: 2000-09-11

Revised: 2007-09-27