Avery County Schools Policy Policy Code: 6140


The Avery County Board of Education recognizes the importance of students maintaining physical health and proper nutrition in order to take advantage of educational opportunities. The board further recognizes that student wellness and proper nutrition are related to a student’s physical well being, growth, development and readiness to learn. The board is committed to providing a school environment that promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience. As part of that commitment, the board directs the superintendent to oversee the development, implementation, and ongoing evaluation of this policy and other school system efforts to encourage students to be healthy and active, including compliance with the State Board of Education’s Healthy Active Children Policy, SHLT-000, as further described in Section F, below. The superintendent may designate a school system official to carry out this responsibility (“lead wellness official”).

The superintendent or designee shall make the most current version of this policy available to members of the school community and the public by posting it on the school system website and/or by distributing it annually through other means reasonably intended to reach the school community and public. In addition, the superintendent or designee shall provide a copy of this policy to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) when requested to do so.


    The School Health Advisory Council will help plan, update, implement, promote,
    and monitor this policy as well as to address other health and nutrition issues
    within the school system. The council serves as an advisory committee regarding
    student health issues and works in conjunction with the lead wellness official
    charged with oversight of this policy and the school system’s efforts to promote
    student and employee health and wellness in compliance with the state and federal
    requirements. The council is authorized to examine related research and laws,
    assess student needs and the current school environment, review existing board
    policies and administrative regulations, collaborate with appropriate community
    agencies and organizations, and help raise awareness about student health issues.
    The council also may make policy recommendations to the board related to this
    policy and other policies concerning student wellness and, in conjunction with the
    lead wellness official, shall periodically review and suggest revisions to this
    policy. In addition, the council may assist in the development of a plan for
    measuring and assessing implementation of this policy and in developing methods
    to inform and update the public about the content and implementation of this
    policy as described in Sections F and G, below.

    The council will be composed of representatives from the school system, the local
    health department, and the community. The council must include members of
    each of the following groups: the school board, school system administrators,

Avery County Schools Policy Code: 6140 Page 1 of 10 school system food service representatives, physical education teachers, school health professionals, students, parents or guardians, and the public. The council will provide information in the following areas or concerns: (1) physical activity, (2) health education, (3) employee wellness, (4) health services, (5) social and emotional climate, (6) nutrition environment and services, (7) counseling, psychological, and social services, (8) physical environment, (9) family engagement, and (10) community involvement.

    The council will provide periodic reports to the board and public regarding the
    status of its work. In addition, the council will assist the lead wellness official in
    creating an annual report which includes the minutes of physical activity and the
    minutes of physical education and/or healthful living education received by
    students in the district each school year, and any other information required by the
    State Board of Education or NCDPI.


    The board believes that promoting student health and nutrition enhances readiness
    for learning and increases student achievement. The general goals of nutrition
    promotion and nutrition education are (1) to provide appropriate instruction for
    the acquisition of behaviors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle for students and
    (2) to teach, encourage and support healthy eating by students. The ACS Annual
    Report shall show measureable goals for nutrition promotion and nutrition

    The board will provide nutrition education within the Healthful Living Standard
    Course of Study and the grade level expectations outlined in the Healthful Living
    Essential Standards adopted by the State Board of Education. Nutrition education
    should be designed to provide all students with the knowledge and skills needed
    to lead healthy lives. Students should learn to address nutrition-related health
    concerns through age-appropriate nutrition education lessons and activities.

    Nutrition education should extend beyond the school environment by engaging
    and involving families and communities. School district personnel may coordinate
    with agencies and community organizations to provide opportunities for
    appropriate student projects related to nutrition. School district personnel will
    work to disseminate consistent nutrition messages throughout the school district,
    schools, classrooms, school dining areas, homes, community and media.

    In conjunction with the school health advisory council, the board establishes the
    following additional specific evidence-based goals and strategies for nutrition
    promotion and education. The board will periodically measure and report progress
    toward meeting these goals.

        •   Nutrition education that aligns with national dietary guidelines and
            adheres to state academic standards will be incorporated into health
            education classes and/or stand-alone courses for all grade levels. The
            nutrition curriculum will encompass:
                o promotion of adequate nutrient intake and healthy eating practices;

Avery County Schools Policy Code: 6140 Page 2 of 10 o skill development, such as meal planning, recognizing food groups within a meal, and understanding health information and food labels to evaluate the nutrient content and contribution of foods; o study of the problems associated with food marketing to children; and o food safety. • Employees will use only approved nutrition curriculum in the classroom. Curriculum developed by corporate interests will not be used unless it meets curricular standards. • Teachers will integrate nutrition education into core curriculum areas such as math, science, social studies, and language arts, as well as in non-core and elective subjects. • Nutrition promotion will include participatory activities such as contests, surveys, promotions, voting for school meal recipe names, cafeteria design or décor challenges, farm visits, and experience working in school gardens. • The nutrition education program will be linked to school meal programs, school gardens, cafeteria nutrition promotions, and farm-to-school programs. • Nutrition education will be provided to families via handouts, newsletters, website posts, presentations, and workshops. The school menu will be posted online. • Nutrition education will be offered in the cafeteria as well as the classroom, with coordination between the foodservice staff and teachers. • Nutrition education will promote fruits, vegetables, whole-grain products, healthy food preparation methods, and accurate portion sizes. • School nutrition program staff at each school will employ at least three tools or strategies suggested in the USDA “Smarter Lunchrooms” publication (available at http://healthymeals.nal.usda.gov/healthierus- school-challenge-resources/smarter-lunchrooms) to increase student participation in the federal school lunch and breakfast programs and to encourage students to make healthy food choices. • Nutrition and health posters, signage, and/or displays will be exhibited in the cafeteria food service and dining areas, classrooms, hallways, gymnasium, and/or bulletin boards and will be frequently rotated, updated, or changed. • Students will have opportunities to taste foods that are low in saturated and trans fats, sodium, and added sugar. • Families will be requested to pack lunches and snacks that meet school system nutrition standards and will be provided with written guidance on how to accomplish this. • School personnel will strive to provide a pleasant eating experience for students and adults by adopting the following practices: o Student input is solicited for meal choices. o Nutrient analysis is available to teachers, parents, students, and health professionals when possible. o Adequate time to eat is provided. The recommended eating time for each child after being served is 15 minutes for breakfast and 20

Avery County Schools Policy Code: 6140 Page 3 of 10 minutes lunch. School personnel will schedule enough time, lunch periods, and serving lines so students do not have to spend excessive time waiting in line. o Adult supervision and role modeling are available during the meal service times to encourage students to eat meals. o Drinking fountains will be available for students to get water at meals and throughout the day. • As marketing/advertising tools (kiosks, vending machines, signage, etc.) are replaced within the LEA, new tools will promote foods and/or beverages that are consistent with the Smart Snacks nutrition standards and the school nutrition meal pattern requirements. • In negotiating vendor contracts, preference will be given to vendors whose marketing and advertising tools reflect the Smart Snacks nutrition standards and the school nutrition meal pattern requirements. • The LEA will collaborate with vendors to gradually replace or modify vending machines to ensure all signage for the machine promotes products that are consistent with the Smart Snacks nutrition standards and the school nutrition meal pattern.


    1. Goals of the Physical Education Program
    The goal of the physical education program is to promote lifelong physical
    activity and provide instruction in the skills and knowledge necessary for lifelong
    participation in physical activity.         To address issues such as obesity,
    cardiovascular disease, and Type II diabetes, students enrolled in kindergarten
    through eighth grades must have the opportunity to participate in physical activity
    as part of the district’s physical education curriculum.

    2. The Physical Education Course
    The physical education course should be designed to foster support and guidance
    for being physically active, help students know and understand the value of being
    physically fit, and teach students the types of activities that contribute to total
    fitness. The course is to be taught in an environment where students can learn,
    practice and receive assessment on developmentally appropriate skills and
    knowledge as defined in the North Carolina Healthful Living Standard Course of
    Study. Students should be engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity for
    fifty percent or more of class time. The goal is for physical education classes to be
    equivalent in size to those of other academic classes.

    3. Physical Activity Requirements and Goals
    School personnel should strive to provide opportunities for age- and
    developmentally-appropriate physical activity during the day for all students so
    that students can learn to exhibit a physically active lifestyle. A minimum of 30
    minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity will be provided daily by
    schools for kindergarten through eighth-grade students. Such activity may be
    achieved through a regular daily physical education class, recess, dance,
    classroom energizers and/or other curriculum-based physical activity programs of
    at least 10 minutes duration, that, when combined, total 30 minutes of daily

Avery County Schools Policy Code: 6140 Page 4 of 10 physical activity. Principals shall work with teachers to ensure that students meet the minimum physical activity requirement. The board will periodically measure and report progress toward meeting these goals.

    To ensure that students have ongoing opportunities for physical activity and
    maintain a positive attitude towards physical activity, structured/unstructured
    recess and other physical activity shall not be taken away from students as a form
    of punishment. In addition, severe and inappropriate exercise may not be used as
    a form of punishment for students.

    In conjunction with the school health advisory council, the board establishes the
    following additional specific evidence-based goals and strategies for physical

        •   Middle and high schools will provide extra-curricular activities that enable
            students to select from a variety of sports and other active endeavors.
        •   Elementary students will be provided the opportunity to participate in
            daily recess.
        •   Classroom health education will reinforce the knowledge and skills
            needed to maintain a physically active lifestyle.
        •   Students will be encouraged to reduce sedentary time and will not be
            required to engage in sedentary activities for more than two hours without
            an opportunity to stretch and move around.
        •   Short (3-5 minute) physical activity breaks will be provided between
            classes in elementary schools.
        •   Teachers will incorporate opportunities for physical activity in the
            classroom whenever possible.
        •   Schools will provide annual fitness testing for all students and provide
            confidential reports directly to parents.


    Consistent with policy 6200, Goals of School Nutrition Services, all foods
    available in the district’s schools during the school day that are offered to students
    should help promote student health, reduce childhood obesity, provide a variety of
    nutritional meals, and promote lifelong healthy eating habits. All foods and
    beverages sold at school must meet the nutrition standards established in policy
    6230, School Meal and Competitive Foods Standards, including the following:

    1. School Lunch, Breakfast, and Snack Programs

    Foods provided through the National School Lunch, School Breakfast, or After
    School Snack Programs must comply with federal and state nutrition standards.
    The director of child nutrition shall ensure that school system guidelines issued
    for reimbursable meals are not less restrictive than regulations and guidelines
    issued for schools in accordance with federal law.

Avery County Schools Policy Code: 6140 Page 5 of 10 2. Competitive Foods

    All foods sold on school campuses in areas that are accessible to students during
    the school day (defined as the period from midnight through 30 minutes after the
    dismissal bell rings) in competition with the National School Lunch or School
    Breakfast Programs (“competitive foods”) must comply with the federal Smart
    Snacks in Schools standards. Vending machine sales also must comply with the
    requirements of G.S. 115C-264.2 and Eat Smart: North Carolina’s Recommended
    Standards for All Foods in Schools. Competitive foods include food, snacks and
    beverages from a la carte menus, vending machines and outside suppliers, as well
    as foods or beverages sold in school stores and at fund-raisers.

    3. Other Foods Available on the School Campus During the School Day and After
    the School Day

    School principals shall establish rules for foods and beverages brought from home
    for classroom events or parties during the school day or for extracurricular
    activities after the school day. The board encourages principals to establish rules
    that are consistent with the Smart Snacks in Schools standards.

    Fundraising activities that involve the sale of foods and/or beverages to students
    during the school day (from midnight until 30 minutes after the dismissal bell
    rings) must comply with the Smart Snack Rules and may not be conducted until
    after the end of the last lunch period. (See policy 6230, School Meal and
    Competitive Foods Standards.)

    School principals may establish standards for fundraising activities conducted
    after the school day (beginning 31 minutes after the dismissal bell rings) that
    involve the sale of food and/or beverages. The board encourages alternative
    fundraising activities such as non-food items or physical activity.

    4. Food and Beverage Marketing

    Food and beverage marketing on school campuses during the school day must
    meet federal and state standards. In accordance with these standards, only foods
    and beverages that meet the Smart Snack standards (as described in subsection
    C.2. above) may be marketed or advertised on school campuses during the school
    day. To comply with this requirement, existing supplies, materials, or equipment
    that depict noncompliant products or logos will be replaced or removed in
    accordance with normal lifecycles or as otherwise would occur in the normal
    course of business.


    In addition to the standards discussed above, the board adopts the following goals
    for school-based activities designed to promote wellness:

    1. Schools will provide a clean and safe meal environment.

Avery County Schools Policy Code: 6140 Page 6 of 10 2. Students will be provided adequate time to eat meals.

    3. Drinking water will be available at all meal periods and throughout the school

    4. Professional development will be provided for district nutrition staff.

    5. To the extent possible, the district will utilize available funding and outside
       programs to enhance student wellness.

    6. Food will not be used in the schools as a reward or punishment.

    7. As appropriate, the goals of this wellness policy will be considered in
       planning all school-based activities.

    8. Administrators, teachers, school nutrition personnel, students,
       parents/guardians and community members will be encouraged to serve as
       positive role models to promote student wellness.


    1. Oversight and Monitoring of Implementation and Progress

        The lead wellness official, in conjunction with the school health advisory
        council, shall oversee the implementation of this policy and monitor district
        schools, programs and curricula to ensure compliance with and to assess
        progress under this policy, related policies, and established guidelines or
        administrative regulations. Each principal shall be responsible for and shall
        report to the lead wellness official regarding compliance and measurements of
        progress in his/her school. Staff members responsible for programs related to
        student wellness also shall report to the lead wellness official regarding the
        status of such programs.

    2. Review of Policy

        The lead wellness official shall work with members of the school health
        advisory council to periodically review and update this policy based on the
        triennial assessment of the school system’s compliance with the policy (see
        subsection F.4. below), progress toward meeting the policy goals, and other
        relevant factors. The lead wellness official shall document the review process
        and participants, and the method used to notify the school health advisory
        council and/or other stakeholders of their ability to participate.

    3. Annual Reporting

        The lead wellness official shall prepare annual written reports to the
        superintendent and NCDPI/State Board of Education that provide all

Avery County Schools Policy Code: 6140 Page 7 of 10 information required by the superintendent and/or the state pertaining to the school system’s efforts to comply with this policy and SBE policy SHLT-000.

    4.   Triennial Assessment

         a. Beginning with school year 2017-18, and at least once every three years
            thereafter, The superintendent or designee shall report to the board and
            public on the district’s compliance with laws and policies related to
            student wellness, the implementation of this policy, and progress toward
            meeting the goals of the policy. At a minimum, the superintendent or
            designee shall measure and report the following:

            1) the extent to which the individual schools are in compliance with this

            2) the extent to which the board’s wellness policy compares to model
               local school wellness policies and meets state and federal
               requirements; and

            3) a description of the progress made in attaining the goals of this policy.

                The report may also include the following items:

            4) a summary of each school’s activities undertaken in support of the
            policy goals;

            5 an assessment of the school environment regarding student wellness

            6) an evaluation of the school nutrition services programs;

            7) a review of all foods and beverages sold in schools for compliance with
            established nutrition guidelines;

            8) a review of guidelines for foods and beverages available, but not sold,
            during the school day, as described in subsection C.3, above;

            9) information provided in the report from the school health advisory
            council, as described in Section A, above; and

            10) suggestions for improvement to this policy or other policies or

G. Public Notification

    1. The school system will publish contact information for the lead wellness

official on the school system website.

Avery County Schools Policy Code: 6140 Page 8 of 10 2. The lead wellness official shall assist the school health advisory council with annually informing and updating the public about this policy and its implementation and State Board policy SHLT-000.

    3. The superintendent or designee shall make public the results of the triennial
    assessment described in subsection F.4 of this policy.

    4. All information required to be reported under this section and any additional
    information required by the state to be reported publicly shall be widely
    disseminated to students, parents, and the community in an accessible and easily
    understood manner, which may include on the school system website.

H. Recordkeeping

    The superintendent shall maintain records to document compliance with this
    policy and all federal and state requirements. These records, at a minimum, must

    1. a written copy of this policy and any updates;

    2. the most recent triennial assessment for each school;

    3. documentation demonstrating:

        a. the efforts to review and update this policy, as described in subsection F.2
           of this policy;

        b. how this policy and information about the most recent triennial assessments
           have been made available to the public, as described in Section G;

        c. compliance with the annual reporting requirements of subsection F.3; and

        d. other efforts to involve the school health advisory council and/or other
           community members in the implementation of or assessment of
           compliance with this policy.

Legal References: The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, 42 U.S.C. 1751; Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, P.L. 111-296; National School Lunch Act, 42 U.S.C. §1751 et seq.; 7 C.F.R. 210.11, 210.12a, and 210.31; G.S. 115C-264.2, -264.3; State Board of Education Policies SHLT-000, CHNU-000, Eat Smart: North Carolina’s Recommended Standards for All Foods in Schools, NC Department of Health and Human Services, NC Division of Public Health, (2004)

Cross References: Goals of Student Health Services (policy 6100), Goals of Student Food Services (policy 6200), School Meal and Competitive Foods Standards (policy 6230)

Adopted: 6/5/06

Avery County Schools Policy Code: 6140 Page 9 of 10 Revised: 3/3/08; 9/14/09; 4/8/14; 6/30/2015; 6/28/17

Avery County Schools Policy Code: 6140 Page 10 of 10