6301 - Fuel Conservation ## Fuel Conservation

Avery County Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to practice fiscal and environmental conservation whenever possible. In an effort to control fuel costs and reduce exhaust emissions, the following conservation methods are hereby enacted:

  • Maintain vehicles in a condition which promotes efficient operation.

  • During periods of increased costs of fuel, fuel shortages, or crisis situations, principals and directors shall evaluate the necessity of filed trips or other travel requiring the resources of the school district.

  • During periods of increased costs of fuel, fuel shortages, or crisis situations, the Superintendent or designee shall restrict field trips and other travel as deemed necessary.

  • No bus shall idle longer than five (5) minutes, except under extreme weather conditions.

  • No bus shall idle without the driver being in the driver’s seat of the bus.

  • No bus shall idle while loading or unloading on school grounds.

  • Buses shall not park “nose to tail” when it can be avoided.

  • Buses shall not park on school grounds near building air intake systems.

Adopted: 2005-12-05